Ephesians 1:7a. In whom we have redemption through His blood, (KJV)
Pastor Marvin Harris (240) 299-3155
Signed in as:
Pastor Marvin Harris (240) 299-3155
9:30 AM: Fellowship with coffee and donuts
10:00 AM: Sunday School for all ages
Sanctuary, Sanctification of the churches (1 Thes 5:12-28) (WH)
11:00 AM: Pastor Marvin Harris
Tuesday at the church ministry house
6:30 PM: Overcomers in Christ led by Randy C.
6:30-7:30 PM: Limited and Weak Faith Prophets (Heb 11:32) (WH)
Thursday at the Farmhouse Cafe in White Plains
8:00 AM: Breakfast and prayer
Friday at various locations
7:00 PM: Small group Bible study